Tuesday, September 28, 2004

TF Flash


Ok, even if you don't like Transformers, this movie is pretty funny, well thought out, and very well animated.

WARNING: WILL TAKE A LONG TIME TO OPEN The movie is around 5 megs, and the site is far away, remember.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Exactly 3 months away is.....

CHRISTMAS! That's right, 3 months from today (and it's even on a Saturday this year, *sigh*) Christmas day it will be. Do you know what you want for X-Mas yet?

I know I sure do.....

Palm Zire 72

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I've been told to update...

Some anonymous person told me to update my blog...... so, guess I might as well do that.

The last two days, i've been stuck in bed with this fucking flu bug, and I slept well over 12 hours of my day away yesterday. In my waking up time, I got myself a 256mb SD card for $50, for my MP3 player. (let's me listen to more music) *scammage*

Hmm... work has been pretty much the same, except now I got a new boss, and hopefully I will get to keep my hours and stuff, if I don't, I dunno what i'll do. Right now, all I know is I got to stay in Bridgewater, I got too much good going on here for me to leave right now.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Now open to the public

J-Ro brought up an interesting point, no one could comment unless regestered, well, that's fixed now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

more idiotic photoshop fun
A D-Rock Original


This Land

For anyone who likes politics, Americans..... Bush....*cough* then, watch this movie.

And you all think Livejournal is good...

Well, let me tell you, blogger is better.

Ok, why you ask? Simple, more customizable, plenty of templates, HELLO (it's a program for uploading pictures, like my below post) the Google Toolbar for quick blogging (like i'm doing now) and it's google, and I like google.

A D-Rock Original

Whoopee! First Post!

No, not really, more like my first BLOG. Never did one of these before, dunno if i'll really keep it up to date or what, guess you will just have to check back from time to time to see what's on here.